

Sort your tags in a more performant way by using the Capo.js plugin.

Capo.js is an awesome project trying to bring some structure to the head, making sure tags are rendered in a specific way to get the best performance.

The plugin is experimental and may be moved in to the core with more testing.


import { CapoPlugin } from 'unhead'

const head = createHead({
  plugins: [

// or


It's recommended that you use the CapoPlugin only on the server side. Using on the client side is not an issue, but it's not necessary.


  • track - boolean - Whether to add a data-capo to the <html> so that performance can be monitored after adding the plugin. Defaults to false.
import { CapoPlugin } from 'unhead'

const head = createHead({
  plugins: [
    CapoPlugin({ track: true })

Testing Feedback

If you are using Capo.js, please let me know how it goes by commenting on this discussion.